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The new era of development of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Hasanuddin University began since the enactment of PP. 5 of 1980 concerning the Principles of Organization of Universities / State Institutes, Presidential Decree No. 68 of 1982 concerning the Organizational Structure of Hasanuddin University. The government issued Kepmendikbud RI No. 0154 / O / 1983 as the elaboration of PP No.5 of 1980, concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of Hasanuddin University. The ministerial decree regulates the change of the name of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences to two faculties, namely the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Departments and study programs also undergo changes according to the Ministry of Education and Culture Decree No. 0563 / O / 1980 and Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 108 / DIKTI / Kep / 1984. In 1993, according to its development, the Faculty of Agriculture underwent a name change to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry based on the Ministry of Education and Culture Decree No. 0134 / O / 93 dated 27 February 1993.

Along with the development and dynamics in the world of higher education, there is always a change in the name of the faculty. It is noted that the name of the Faculty of Agriculture, which has existed since 1962, changed its name in 1972 to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Then, in 1986 it changed again to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The Department of Forestry, which had been under the auspices of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, separated itself into a separate Faculty, namely the Faculty of Forestry in 2007, and at that time the name of the faculty returned to the Faculty of Agriculture. So far, the Faculty of Agriculture has undergone 13 leadership changes.

  • Physics and Soil Conservation Laboratory —– (Head of Lab: Prof. Dr. Ir. Hazairin Zubair, M.S.)
  • Geospatial Information and Land Use Planning Laboratory —– (Head of Lab: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumbangan Baja, M.Phil.)
  • Chemical and Soil Fertility Laboratory –– (Head of Lab: Dr. Ir. H. Bachrul Ibrahim, M.Sc.)
  • Soil Microbiology Laboratory –– (Head of Lab: Dr. Ir. Muh. Jayadi, M.P.)
  • Laboratory of the Relationship of Insects and Plant
  • Diseases Entomology / Plant Pest Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Biological Control of Plant Pest Organisms
  • Natural Materials and Pesticides Laboratory
  • Plant Disease Laboratory
  • Tissue Culture Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Nutrition
  • Biofertilizer Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Bio-science and Plant Reproduction Biotechnology —– (Head of Lab: Ir. Rinaldi Sjahril, M.Agr., Ph.D)
  • Agroclimatology and Biostatics Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Cocoa Pest Organisms



The condition to be realized in the future journey of the Faculty of Agriculture (2014-2018) is the development of the Faculty of Agriculture as:

  • A Leading Agricultural Education Center with Character and Global Standard

This vision contains the following definitions and indications of achievement:

The Education Center meant that the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University would increasingly create a comfortable, beautiful and pleasant atmosphere for the ongoing activities of developing science and technology in agriculture through learning, research and community service. The atmosphere as a garden physically is marked by the availability of facilities and infrastructure for learning, research and its supporters that meet international quality; and non-physically characterized by scientific activity and interaction of the academic community that consistently manifest universal academic values ​​and norms.

To be prominent, it is meant that the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Agriculture will increasingly occupy a leading position compared to other agricultural faculties in Indonesia, seen from the indicators that apply nationally and internationally related to learning and teaching performance, research and publication of scientific papers, and community service. This leading position will contribute to the achievement of Hasanuddin University towards a world-class University.

Character means that the alumni of the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Agriculture have a character which enables them to contribute optimally to the progress of Indonesian agriculture in particular and human civilization in general. In terms of the alumni produced, the external identity of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, is characterized by a character as human resources who have competencies and capacities based on ethics-spiritual and rationality-holistic. In terms of the scientific work produced, the external identity of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University is characterized by concepts and technologies that manifest innovations for agricultural progress that are in harmony with nature preservation and sustainable welfare.


To achieve the vision above, the mission of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University is as follows: Carrying out education and research in the field of agriculture and natural resources in an integrated manner, which is relevant to development developments

Organizing community service, and transfer of agricultural science and technology to society and industry. Mastering, developing, and applying agricultural science and technology and natural resource management.


The objectives of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University are as follows:

  1. Producing graduates who are adaptive, independent, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and are responsive to changes and advances in science and technology
  2. Producing innovative scientific work in the field of agriculture and natural resources to enrich science and technology repertoire.
  3. Expanding networks and increasing the role of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University through disseminating information and innovative ideas in agriculture and natural resource management to improve community welfare.


In carrying out Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi activities, the Academic Community of the Faculty of Agriculture upholds and practices the following values:

T =Tauladan
A = Amanah
M = Mandiri
A = Adaptif
N = Nyata berkarya

The following is a description of the meaning of each value word / phrase (TAMAN):

Exemplary. In carrying out the task of the tridarma of higher education, the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University must be an example for the development of similar institutions in this region. Likewise with the alumni, who have the ability, competence, and capacity based on ethics-spiritual and rationality-holistic that can be emulated by the community.

Trust. The entire academic community of the Faculty of Agriculture carries out their tridarma duties with full sincerity, on the basis that all of this is to gain pleasure, which is a mandate that must be accounted for.

Independent. At the age of half a century, the Faculty of Agriculture must show its stability and independence. Likewise alumnus who because of their knowledge, skills, technology, and ethics-spiritual will have independence in taking part in the community.

Adaptive. The Faculty of Agriculture and alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture are adaptive, which can always adapt to the dynamics of the times (economic, social, cultural, and technological aspects).